
Questions and answers

What materials can go into the Skips?
What are the UNACCEPTABLE materials?
What are the ACCEPTED materials?

What are the UNACCEPTABLE materials?

- Fluorescent tubes
- Pressurised containers (i.e. gas cylinders)
- Asbestos
- Batteries
- Chemical waste (i.e. Insecticides, herbicides, medicines)
- Petrol, diesel or oil contaminated waste

What are the ACCEPTED materials?

General household “clearout" waste, such as

- Old furniture
- Old beds
- Carpets & floor covering
- Old/broken toys

Construction waste such as

- Concrete
- Bricks
- Tiles
- Timber
- Plasterboard
- Top soil/clay
- Green waste such as
- Hedge clippings
- Tree cuttings